"Lift up your eyes.Your heavenly Father waits to bless you-in inconceivable ways to make your life what you never dreamed it could be."Anne Ortlund ...
Jesus instructed us not to worry but live one day at a time.He gives us strength as we need it. ************************************************************************** Lord help me today be like a tree planted by waters.I don't want to waist my time with worry because my hope and confidence are in You alone.Amen. ...
Pray:Lord you will guard me and keep in perfect and constant peace as my mind is stayed on You,because I commit myself to YOU, lean on YOU and hope confidently in YOU.Isaiah 26:3 Peace and happiness are yours in Christ Jesu ...
Did you know that God wants you to be HAPPY?He desires for you to live life to its fullest."There’s more happiness in a single moment of God’s presence than in anything else in life." A glad heart makes a happy face; Proverbs 15:13 "It is not how much we have,but how much we enjoy,that makes happiness."Charles H.Spurgeon I hope you have an entire day of happy moments— ...
...the Lord your God loves you.Deuteronomy 23:5 ...