Be an encouraging parent!

posted on , by Harriet

 Have you seen the movie Gifted Hands?I know it's not a new one but I just saw it and I liked it. I love true stories and there was onething by which I was very touched...In the story the protagonist,Ben had problems as a kid but his mother convinced him he could make something of his life. Every time when Ben got a a bad grade and he said that he is stupid his mother would say ...


One thousand gifts: 3 things of which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

    7. This BLUE rose is a surprise gift from my husband!   8. The BLUE sea... I love the sea!I'm so thankful that God created the sea!   9. I love this BLUE covered book full of God's promises andbeautiful quotes...  ♥ ...


I am...

posted on , by Harriet



Who I am in Christ

posted on , by Harriet

 On my last post I wrote that it's not about what you do;but who you are.And if you have some doubts that you are not quite sure who you are,read this list below and learn to know who you are in Christ.And even if you already know who you are...sometimes it's just goodto refresh your memory and say aloud once again who you are...  *I am a new creature in Christ.2 Corinthians 5:17 *I ...


You are loved!

posted on , by Harriet

   YOU ARE LOVED; GOD LOVES YOU and HE MADE YOU WONDERFULLY!...so it's not about what you do but who you are.You are enough!♥ ...


One thousand gifts: 3 things of which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

-cloudsI love the beautiful blue sky with the white clouds:it feels that they exist so that my dreams can soar high...   -laughLaughing is important,it's healing...and I love to hear my kids kidding and laughing...   -God's word...I love the promise found in James 4:8...When I'm willing to go to God, He is always ready to meet me...He is waiting for me...and I love to be ...


Path of life

posted on , by Harriet

   ♥ ...


One thousand gifts: 3 things of which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

  Everyday is a great gift from God;He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.Job 5:9 So shouldn't we be thankful?! I think there are so many things in our lives that we don't even count as a gift or a blessing.The Bible teaches us to give thanks,to be thankful...I started the New Year with a new journal and I want to write down every day 3 things ...


Stop...and be content!

posted on , by Harriet

   You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.  Matthew 5:5 The Message It is always wise to stop wishing for being someone else.The Bible teaches us that "love your neighbor as yourself".It's tough to enjoy life when you don't like yourself.So once again ...


A year of promises...

posted on , by Harriet

 Hi! How are you?Have you started the new year well?Did you make any new year's promises?I just came back home from a vacation and I still have to think about this new year and promises...but I am sure that this year I want to focus on God's promises...I WANT TO REJOICE DAILY!I WILL BREATHE IN GOD'S PEACE!I WILL TRUST THAT MY SAVIOUR LEADS ME!I WILL LET GOD'S PROMISES SHINE ON MY PROBLEMS!AND ...