This morning I listened in the car Ayiesha Woods singing a song Take me thereand I liked the words;they talked to me... Lord You told me about a place / That I can go to lay all of my burdens down / And You showed me there is a way / That I can be free and the lost can be found, won't You / Take me there / Where I can see You and living is worship / Take me there / There's no ...
I love reading and I love when I find great or beautiful words that touch me in someway...I have made a little booklet where I write downbeautiful words...And I'm thankful for God because He talks to methorough so many persons,through so many beautiful words...And today I want to sharer with you 3 gifts read during the past few days. ♥ ...
I've been thinking these days, a few discussions that I had with a few other moms. One mom said that she hopes that her daughters would rather not marry than to marry a "mad" man...In her opinion, all the boys today are scary...misbehaving...and as grown ups will just treat women in a bad way. ( I guess she forgot that I have 2 sons! :) ) So...she is filled with hopeless. And the ...
"Everyone has a unique role to fill in the world and is important in some respect.Everyone, including andperhaps especially you, is indispensable." Nathaniel Hawthorne You are wonderful ...
Today is International World Water Day.I guess we all know that water is important for our health...but have you thought about that there are over 700 million people in the world that don’t have access to the simple, basic necessity of clean water?Many people drink and cook with water that is contaminated with human and animal feces and industrial chemicals.The lack ...
"Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment."Ellis Peters Have a blessed spring time ...
"Joy cannot be pursued.It comes from within.It is a state of being.It does not depend on circumstances,but triumphs over circumstances.It produces a gentleness of spirit and a magnetic personality."Billy Graham Lord, cleanse my mind of all wrong thinking and renewa joyful spirit within me.Help me to be joyful today.My heart is glad because I know you are with me. Amen. ...
I am thankful for God that He has guided me to eat in a healthy way! I love to eat a lot of greens!Today my sprouted lentils were ready to eat! This is my afternoon tea moment...something sweet but still healthy.I made a raw nutella (hazelnut spread) to eat with my raw buck wheat crackers.And of course I'm having a nice cup of green tea!Thank you God for this moment! And a ...
I'm sure we all have days when we are feeling tired,sad,worried,stressed,weary,lonely...We feel maybe restless...there is just that unpleasant feeling,emptiness or a hole and we want to fill it...someway...somehow...But you know God created us that way and He's the only one who can satisfy us! God wants us to turn to Him.He wants us to sense His presence.Jesus tells ...
“I have found it very important in my own life to try to let go of my wishes and instead to live in hope. I am finding that when I choose to let go of my sometimes petty and superficial wishes and trust that my life is precious and meaningful in the eyes of God something really new, something beyond my own expectations begins to happen for me." -Henri J.M.Nouwen May the God of ...
Stillness...I need to be still in the presence of my Heavenly Father-because in stillness there are special gifts-moments when I canbetter sense God's love and will for my life...Often I find my silent moments in the morning... * Beautiful morning light,peace and quietness are gifts found early in the morning,-in silence when everybody else was still sleeping... *during ...
Today is International Women's Day so Happy Women's day!Originally the Woman's day was a celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women as well a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements but today it's simply an occasion for men to express their love for women.But I think we can celebrate today because we are beautiful women of God!YOU ARE ...
Did you know that there are an estimated 27 Million slaves on the earth today?Slaves...meaning people who are victims of human trafficking...27's a lot...too much...And fighting human trafficking is an overwhelming and seemingly impossible challengebut the good news is that we-you and me can do something very simple today tohelp these victims:The A21 Campaign (The A21 Campaign ...
I love to sing this song while I worship God.I'm so thankful that God is with me!I will exalt YOU... I'm thankful for these words written by Bob Kilpatrick...We are God's masterpieces! This is my son's painting about the Carnival in Venice...Hehad a school project together with an Italian newspaper and his painting was chosen and published in the newspaper.So ...
It's already March!Today is a beautiful and sunny day- a great gift from God!Be blessed! ♥&nbs ...