1.I just walked by this beautiful balcony and of course had to take a photo of it!
2.My son is getting a hair cut.
3.Preparing foot bath; the bath salts is apple-scented. 
4.We were looking these gold fishes with my sons.
5.A beautiful ceramic factory.
6.Time for figs!
7. Do you like the water lily flower?

As you may know I love taking photos but I don’t carry my camera with me all the time so that’s why it’s wonderful to have an iPhone…When ever I see something beautiful,colorful,interesting or just something inspirational it’s easy to take a photo with my iPhone and then I love to edit the photos with Instagram. It's also a great way to recognize all the great gifts and joys God has for us!
So I’ll take one photo every day from my daily life and I’ll post the photos here once a week,on Fridays…Thank you Father;life is beautiful! 


God's word is food for our souls! 
Memorize it.Confess it.
Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart...
And let it transform your whole being!

Hi!How are you today?
Do you like to read books?I do!Actually I love reading! 
And as I saw in Ann's June gift list the option to share 3 gifts in what you are reading
I thought I have to do it! I read different kinds of books;not only books written by
Christians but in those kind of books there is always something deeper...so
that's why I want to share with you these 3 following books.

Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don't Control You by Joyce Meyer

The book gives you the tools to live beyond emotions,make proactive choices and regain control of your life.  

-I like this book!The message is powerful;we can learn to do things no matter how we feel!


 Experiencing Father's Embrace by Jack Frost

"Experiencing Father's Embrace shows you how you can personally feel your Father's loving and comforting embrace, and points out areas that may be hindering you from experiencing a more intimate relationship with your Creator."
- Absolutely a great book to read to learn to know more about Daddy's love for us!

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles  by 

Bill Johnson

"You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading Scripture. It is part of what Jesus purchased for us on the Cross!"

-A great book to dig deeper in the abundance of miracles God has for us!


God loves you!

1.Summer officially started this week,wonderful! 2. And these days it has been hot here in Italy so day in the swing pool is just great!
3.&4. Well...actually for me it would have been better to stay in the shadow under the umbrella as I burned my back.
5.I'm reading this great book by Holley Gerth.Remember you're already amazing!
6.I don't know how this tree is called...but I like its "hair". 
7.The end of a nice day...me in the shadow.

As you may know I love taking photos but I don’t carry my camera with me all the time so that’s why it’s wonderful to have an iPhone…When ever I see something beautiful,colorful,interesting or just something inspirational it’s easy to take a photo with my iPhone and then I love to edit the photos with Instagram. It's also a great way to recognize all the great gifts and joys God has for us!
So I’ll take one photo every day from my daily life and I’ll post the photos here once a week,on Fridays…Thank you Father;life is beautiful!



Dear Heavenly Father,I thank you for your Word that speaks to me and encourages me!
I believe in You and I believe in your Word.Thank you that You will guide me today and that 
you will give me courage,strength and wisdom.

1.My son getting ready for the theater show Mister M (Moses).
2.Kids' party in the church:a nice film&popcorn.
3.I like this (scout) stamp...
4.Coconut oil!So-ooooo good and healthy!
5. There is a first,beautiful red flower in our pomegranate tree. 
6.My salad is growing...
7.These days I have been studying for my Bible school exams.

As you may know I love taking photos but I don’t carry my camera with me all the time so that’s why it’s wonderful to have an iPhone…When ever I see something beautiful,colorful,interesting or just something inspirational it’s easy to take a photo with my iPhone and then I love to edit the photos with Instagram. It's also a great way to recognize all the great gifts and joys God has for us!
So I’ll take one photo every day from my daily life and I’ll post the photos here once a week,on Fridays…Thank you Father;life is beautiful! 

The Lord is full of loving-pity and kindness. 
He is slow to anger and has much loving-kindness. 
Psalm 103:8

And He wants to fill you!
So just ask... and be filled with His love! 

God's word is food for our souls! 
Memorize it.Confess it.
Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart...
And let it transform your whole being!

 In Italy, like maybe in many other countries I guess it is common to buy water in bottles.
But I don't have to do it anymore...In our town has been opened so called water point from where I can go and get water for free.I just need to have my own bottles with me and they can be filled...
I love this gift; I love to have my glass bottles full of pure water! 

Well this is a funny story to be thankful for! 
A week ago I was talking with my sister that I would like to find a nice,red nail polish...
And few days later a friend of mine gave me a gift:a full bottle of A RED NAIL POLISH!
She had been praying and asking God to whom she could give this red nail polish that she didn't need herself!Isn't God great?! :)

And God's word is just full of everything I need in my life:


1. View from Bergamo (Italy...)  2. Love Bergamo's old town.
3. School kids are studying how the  sundial works. 4. Beautiful,old wall...
5. Nice shop with all these blue things...  6. Today was the last day of school for my sons.
7. Someone painted a hand on the wall...

As you may know I love taking photos but I don’t carry my camera with me all the time so that’s why it’s wonderful to have an iPhone…When ever I see something beautiful,colorful,interesting or just something inspirational it’s easy to take a photo with my iPhone and then I love to edit the photos with Instagram. It's also a great way to recognize all the great gifts and joys God has for us!
So I’ll take one photo every day from my daily life and I’ll post the photos here once a week,on Fridays…Thank you Father;life is beautiful! 


God's word is food for our souls! 
Memorize it.Confess it.
Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart...
And let it transform your whole being!

In the summertime I can find some wonderful smells in my garden! 
I am so thankful for God also for these things...

-I love the smell of a fresh basil!
I use basil to make fresh pesto or I just add it into salads and soups...

- I love the smell of a fresh dill!
As a child I couldn't understand why my daddy had to add dill to every fish plate...
But nowadays I agree;dill tastes so well with fish especially with salmon!Try it!

- I love the smell of a fresh mint!
Add few mint leaves to your tea and you will have such a nice flavor!


When you become a Christian, Christ comes to live inside your heart. 
That means He feels your every pain, joy, doubt and fear.

God loves you so much!

If you haven't yet asked God to come to live inside your heart
simply pray this prayer:
"Heavenly Father, please forgive me my sins. Wash me clean. Come to live into my heart.I surrender my life to you.I thank you for Your gift of forgiveness and eternal life. Please help me to live for you. In Jesus' name, Amen." 

God bless you!

1. My son trying on Daddy's shoes...only 3 sizes too big! :) 2. Party decoration...My other son had a party with his class mates. 3. Sign of a church on the ground. 4. Tea time!
5. The bottom of my new shoes. (I think it's beautiful...) 6. I love fresh peas.
7. A beautiful balcony in Milan.

As you may know I love taking photos but I don’t carry my camera with me all the time so that’s why it’s wonderful to have an iPhone…When ever I see something beautiful,colorful,interesting or just something inspirational it’s easy to take a photo with my iPhone and then I love to edit the photos with Instagram. It's also a great way to recognize all the great gifts and joys God has for us!
So I’ll take one photo every day from my daily life and I’ll post the photos here once a week,on Fridays…Thank you Father;life is beautiful! 
