Life is a splendid gift (R.I.P my dear cousin Hanna).

posted on , by Harriet

  Today I've been thinking about life... How it's short...And do I really remember that everything in life is most fundamentally a gift?    Every day is a splendid gift from God... My dear cousin Hanna died today.We weren't very close; I haven't been much in touch with her during the last years while living abord, but still she was my dear cousin.And the past ...


One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

    The best gift of salvation is that I am forgiven and that I am free!Jesus already paid my debt!   And as I am saved I am in Christ...and I am blessed! I AM BLESSED!What a wonderful gift of salvation!   Salvation really means that I abandon myself to God, and I leave myself to His hands.  I don't have to worry about anything, God takes ...


Memorizing God's word: Hebrews 3:13

posted on , by Harriet

God's word is food for our souls!  Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let God's word transform your whole being! Have a blessed day!   ...


Each day is an adventure...

posted on , by Harriet

  ♥ ...


One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

  The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 that  “a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing….” So it's good to take time to laugh!   My sons unfortunately don't see their cousins very often,but when they do meet each other they always have such a good time together. Here above my youngest son is trying to  step in to his cousins shoes!Only ...


Remember that God takes care of you!

posted on , by Harriet

      Have a blessed day,  you are loved! ♥   ...


Memorizing God's word: Mark 11:24

posted on , by Harriet

God's word is food for our souls!  Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let God's word transform your whole being! Have a blessed day!   ...


One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

I love Ann's new gift list for September. The list is a good reminder that we can be thankful for even things small,tiny,little,simple...as colors! I love colors and I thank God for creating so many wonderful colors! Today I'm thankful for 3 gifts yellow!   -lemons... Yellow lemons have a beautiful,intense and energy color! This morning,as nearly every day I took ...