One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

Today it's all about red gifts... This time of the year I enjoy eating pomegranates. And I'm thankful for this red fruit as it's very good&healthy for me. Pomegranates are high in vitamin C and potassium, they are a great source of fiber,  and very rich in antioxidants.  So thank you God for creating red pomegranates!   A beautiful red rose...a gift ...


Happy Thanksgiving!

posted on , by Harriet

I will thank the Lord because he is just;    I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.   Psalm 7:17 Here in Italy we don't celebrate thanksgiving, but I have always loved the idea to have a special day to give thanks! But I hope we can all be thankful every day,because God is good! Anyways I wish my all my American friends and readers  Happy ...


Jesus is the way!

posted on , by Harriet

  I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Have a blessed day! ♥ ...


One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

posted on , by Harriet

  Hi!How are you? It has been a while I haven't been posting about my gift list... although I haven't stopped to be thankful (just been busy with other things!)... But today I want to share with you 3 gifts I have found in autumn...   I'm thankful for these seasonal fruits and vegetables. I love these bright colors (+other healthy things!)which brings energy to ...


Memorizing God's word: Romans 8:28

posted on , by Harriet

God's word is food for our souls!  Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let God's word transform your whole being! Have a blessed day!  ♥ ...


Wear love!

posted on , by Harriet



A blessed month without stress...

posted on , by Harriet

  I wanted to create a collage of the images I did for this past 31 days  without stress... I know you can't read all the texts because of the small size  (you can find all the images in bigger size in this blog),but may this colorful collage just to be a reminder for us  that we can change our attitude for more "colorful" if we want to. Be blessed! ♥ ...


31 days without stress- day 31

posted on , by Harriet

  Hi!How are you? Today is the final day of the project 31 days without stress. I don't know if my project has been helpful for anyone else than myself, but I'm glad I did it because for me it has been good to study all these things how I can avoid stress in my life. For the last day of this project I will share with you probably the most important thing: THE PRIORITY OF ...


31 days without stress- day 30

posted on , by Harriet

  For a month I have been talking about different ways to reduce or avoid stress- and the good news is that  STRESS CAN BE RELIEVED  IF  YOU'RE NOT AFRAID TO MAKE CHANGES!  You can break free the wrong habits; make changes to be less stressed! And please don't say: "Yes, I’m going to make changes, but some other time!"  If you don't make the changes ...


31 days without stress- day 29

posted on , by Harriet

  As God's children we are blessed beyond measure,but sometimes we get so busy and stressed that we forget to give thanks to the Giver and we forget to count our gifts. But giving thanks is a real cure for stress!    Do it on purpose;instead of complaining about your stress and murmuring about all your tasks give thanks! Give thanks for all the little things ...