October is here and it's time to participate the project 31 Days. What it's all about?It's a an online writing challenge where I'll write about a topic of my choice every day in October. The project is created by the Nesting Place and anyone can join in so visit the Nesting Place for more information. Last year I talked about 31 days without stress but this year I choose ...
A gift scented:just washed laundry. A gift scrawled:I found a happy note from my son on my notebook! A gift started: I used to go to a gym which was far away from home but now they opened a new one close where I live and I was able to start a gym contract there. I just came back home from the gym and I'm so happy that it doesn't take a long time to go ...
We affect others significantly by what we say about them. I just red that there are studies which show that it takes four positive statement to negate the effect of one negative statement. So isn't it amazing that we have the power to give grace to others through the proper use of our words? Let's remember this and speak as we are encouraged ...
"Let's face it. Not a day goes by that you're not tempted to glance to the left and to the right to see how you measure up to the people around you. But it doesn't stop there, does it? You're tempted to compare your children to other children, your spouse to other spouses! It's frustrating. It's exhausting. It's a TRAP!" -Andy ...
Never underestimate the power of prayer! When you are praying according to God's will, your prayer is unstoppable! Prayer does make a difference! So please join me to pray to change the world... Specifically would you join me and others to pray to rescue victims of human trafficking? Lysa TerKeurst from the Proverbs 31 Ministries launched a prayer campaign for the ministry ...
Today I want to share 3 gifts found in His word. Whatever our need is God wants us to go to Him and trust our problems to Him. Whatever our need is God wants us to ask... Whatever our need is God wants us to have faith and believe that all things He has promised for us are ours. Thank you Father that you care for us. Help us ...
God is the strength of my heart and all I need forever. -Psalm 73:26 ...
The other day I just forgot the truth that we can't rely on someone else to complete us. I didn't really even think about it until I saw these Christine Caine's words saying: So often God will not allow people to give you what you think you need from them because He wants you to get it from Him. This because our compulsion for completion is met in a relationship ...
Here in Italy the school started last week and the weather has been getting a little bit colder...But as the autumn begins here officially on the 21st of September I can still share some summer gift with you! Figs... My husband's client invited us to pick up some figs from his garden. What a beautiful gift to be thankful for! In our own ...
God's word is food for our souls! Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let it transform your whole being! ♥ ...
David's way from a shepherd to a king wasn't easy... The king Saul wanted to kill him and David had to escape from him. It would have been so easy to complain:God you promised me something but all I can see now are troubles... But David was very wise, he poured out his complaint to God. David wrote us a great advice in Psalm 62:8: Trust in him at all ...
Well we all complain.At least sometimes... But what are we actually saying when we complain? Strong words,right?So Paul's advice in Philippians 2:14 wasn't just few nice words... We can read in many places in the Bible that God is a good God and He loves us and takes care of us,we just have to believe in Him and trust Him. Trust in him at all times, you ...
Have a blessed September! You are loved! ...