Happy Thanksgiving day!

posted on , by Harriet

Today in the United States it's Thanksgiving day so even if here in Italy we don't celebrate it I want to take today some special time to tell God how thankful I am. God's love and care for us are amazing things and I could not live without Him -so yes I am so thankful to be His daughter!   Yet I would like to be even more thankful...that I would always see positive ...


Listen to your heavenly Father...

posted on , by Harriet

  God takes care of everyone in time of need.    His love never quits. -Psalm 136:23, 25 MSG ...


Every time you look in the mirrow...

posted on , by Harriet

  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;     your works are wonderful,     I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14  ENCOURAGE YOURSELF: EVERY TIME YOU LOOK IN THE  MIRROW tell yourself that you are beautiful! Because you are! Father thank you for making me unique and special!   ♥ ...


Memorizing God's word:Psalm 48:14

posted on , by Harriet

God's word is food for our souls!  Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let it transform your whole being!   ...


One thousand gifts.Today's joy dare: 3 gifts found in Bible reading

posted on , by Harriet

  Today I want to share with you 3 different Bible verses that have been speaken to me the past few days. Thank you God that you fill me!   Thank you God that you take care of me and my needs!    Thank you God that you counsel and instruct me! ♥   ...


Pray constantly about things big and small-God is listening!

posted on , by Harriet

  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. -1 John 5:14-15 The other day my son came back from the school telling me that his backpack's zipper had been broken while he walked back home and at the same moment ...


One thousand gifts.Today's joy dare: 3 gifts family

posted on , by Harriet

  Last week I had an opportunity to visit my family in Finland with my son. We stayed only few days but during those days I wanted to see my parents and three sisters living in 3 different cities-and we managed to do it! Thankful that my son could play with his cousins (they see each other once a year!) - and I could hug my sister and nieces!♥  Then to an ...


Bad days.Good days.

posted on , by Harriet

 God is in your day today;enjoy it!  ♥ ...


Be encouraged!

posted on , by Harriet

  After the project 31 days to encourage yourself I still want to post a summary of all 31 posts. Whenever you feel discouraged read the following Bible verses aloud  and be encouraged by the Word of God! *I AM NOT ALONE: I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. -Joshua 1:5 * I AM BEAUTIFUL: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;    your ...