Enjoy your life!

posted on , by Harriet

  Life is a beautiful gift that God has given to you. And He wants you to enjoy it! If you find yourself wondering why your life isn't what you want  it to be run to Jesus! HE IS THE SOURCE OF TRUE JOY AND HAPPINESS!   ♥   ...


Praise the Lord your God!

posted on , by Harriet

  Yours is the mighty power and glory and victory and majesty.  Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom.  We adore you as being in control of everything.   -1 Chronicles 29:11 God does not demand our praise to make Him feel more like God.  But for us there are awesome benefits of authentic praise. God ...


Joy is powerful!

posted on , by Harriet

    Joy is powerful- so be happy and be a blessing for people around you! ♥ ...


Be yourself!

posted on , by Harriet

  ♥ ...

We are told to not judge.
But how easy it is while communicating with your spouse, child, mother or friend
accuse the other person by starting to say: YOU.
"You never listen to me."
"You never spend time with me."
"You always leave your socks on the floor."
"You play too much videogames."
"You never help me to clean the kitchen." 
and so on...I guess you know what I'm talking about...
Without noticing we are accusing the other person with whom we are talking.
But the " YOU - communication " is not the right one!

Instead the right way to communicate is to use the " I  communication".
Start by saying I...
" I miss you and I wish you could spend some time with me."
"I'm sorry you play so much video games so we don't have time to do other things together."
"I'm very tired today.Can we clean the kitchen together?"

It is actually harder to start by saying I...than starting accusing the other person but it's good
because when you start by saying I you normally will think about
more carefully what to say. In this way you really say how you feel
about the things and what you would aspect from the other person.

So I encourage you to use the "I communication ";
it's a love language!

You can be sure that other people will respond to you in a different,
more positive way while you are not accusing them.

Dear heavenly Father,
help us to talk without judging so that we'll not be judged.
Help us to use the right way of communication; the love language... so that
our words will be a blessing to other people.
In Jesus name.




My motto for the year 2014

posted on , by Harriet

  I want Proverbs 3:6 to be my motto this year! In everything I do,   I put God first, and He will direct ME and crown MY efforts with success! I hope this motto can be yours too! Be blessed! ♥ ...


God's love will never stop!

posted on , by Harriet

For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow,  or where we are—high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord ...


The best advice for New Year’s resolutions

posted on , by Harriet

   Every year as the new year begins we tend to make New Year's resolutions.We want to change.But so often we start strong just to notice by the end of the year that we didn't keep our new year's resolutions.  Why this? Because maybe we didn't understand that LASTING CHANGE REQUIRES NEW WAYS OF BELIEVING AND THINKING. So if you want to make some changes this year ...


Have a Blessed New Year!

posted on , by Harriet

-Ephesians 3:20 ...