Isn't it wonderful that God's love has set us free? If you need a reminder of it listen to this song and pray and thank God for the freedom He has given to you! Be blessed! "Brighter" You shine brighter Than any star in the sky Your light shining Through the dark of the night Jesus forever I find all that I am in Your love love love You are with me In every step that I take Your ...
It's wonderful to know that we can go to bed and sleep in peace, because Lord will keep us safe! Sleep tight! ...
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26 ...
Life is not always easy and often there are many, different kind of storms... And it's natural to panic when the storm hits...but do like David did...In the midst of the strom he said: My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart. -Psalm 7:10 ♥ ...
"If there is a growing discontent deep inside your heart—a hunger that hasn’t been completely satisfied by the people, pleasures, parties, material things, or accomplishments—today is the day to open your heart to the idea that it is Jesus that you were made for. But you have to walk away from “less,” and ask Him to become your “more.” Jesus is enough for you, and He is here." - ...