BE YOU-Fully YOU! Because you are unique; there is no one like you... and you are fearfully and wonderfully made! ...
Have a happy and peaceful Sunday! Have some rest! :) ♥ ...
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14 ♥ ...
Today I want to simply encourage you: It will be ok! Sometimes we don't believe it or we have just hard time to see it. But somehow or someway it will be ok. Believe it! Proclaim today that : "Everything is possible for the person who believes!" Have a blessed day! ♥ ...
(feat. Kim Walker-Smith)
All my life is in Your hands
This whole world may hold me down
But it can never drown You out
I'm not merely flesh and bone
I was made for something more
You are God, You're the Great "I Am"
Breath of life I breathe You in
Even in the fire, I'm alive in You!
You are strong in my brokenness
Sovereign over every step
Even in the fire, I'm alive
I'm alive in You!
Through the dark I hear Your voice
Rising up I will rejoice
For I was lost but now I'm found
'Cause even death can't hold You down
You are God, You're the Great "I Am"
Breath of life I breathe You in
Even in the fire, I'm alive in You!
You are strong in my brokenness
Sovereign over every step
Even in the fire, I'm alive
I'm alive in You!
It's no longer I who live, but Christ
Who lives within me, Christ who lives within me
From beginning to the end You deserve the glory
You deserve the glory
It's no longer I who live, but Christ
Who lives within me, Christ who lives within me
From beginning to the end You deserve the glory
You deserve the glory
You are God, You're the Great "I Am"
Breath of life I breathe You in
Even in the fire, I'm alive in You!
You are strong in my brokenness
Sovereign over every step
Even in the fire, I'm alive
I'm alive in You!
You are God, You're the Great "I Am"
Breath of life I breathe You in
Even in the fire, I'm alive in You!
You are strong in my brokenness
Sovereign over every step
Even in the fire, I'm alive
I'm alive in You!
God's word is food for our souls! Memorize it.Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let God's word transform your whole being! Have a blessed day! ♥ ...
"A mother instructs with wisdom, guides through sample, trains by love." -Roy Lessin Being a mother is an important job yet it's not an easy task, but thankfully God partnerships with all Moms! Remember that you an amazing Mom; you have been perfectly designed by God to be the Mom your kids need. And the best thing we can do for our kids is to pray for them! I ...
I just caught myself worrying... why is it so difficult to get out of the habit of worrying? The Bible says in Matthew 6:27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? The truth is that worrying doesn't do any good for us! Actually it robs you of sleep, health and many good years... Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life . -Matthew ...
In my last blog post I talked about the it's important how we talk to ourselves. And of course it's also important how we talk to other people. The other day I was at the supermarket and as I ordered some bread I used the words please and thank you and the shop assistant stopped and looked at me and said:"It's so nice to hear these simply, polite words as please ...
How do you talk to yourself? Hmmmm...that's a good question! :) Maybe you have heard: "love your neighbor as yourself" yet often talk to ourselves in a way we would never talk to someone else! But the great rule is: Never say or think negative things about yourself! INSTEAD: ♥ ...