God determines your value! #awakeningeurope

posted on , by Harriet

An other great quote from the Awakening Europe event! :)  Remember always:  For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 2:10 AMP ♥ ...


Receive the gift of hope! Watch live now Awaking Europe from Stockholm!

posted on , by Harriet

Right now there is a great conference in Stockholm, Sweden called Awakening Europe.  "Following last year’s mass gathering in Nuremberg, Germany, Awakening Europe now comes to Sweden. Once again the aim is to take back history and the theme is ‘Disturb the normal.’ Broadcast LIVE on GOD TV this groundbreaking event at the Friends Arena in Stockholm will feature inspirational ...


There are blessings every day!

posted on , by Harriet

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,  who does not change like shifting shadows. -James 1:17 HAVE A BLESSED DAY! ♥ ...

 Chris Quilala will release his first solo album on November 11.
But  Quilala has already shared the video for "Because of Your Love," the first track released from this indie-pop inspired album. And you can actually download the song by clicking here.
"Because of Your Love" is a beautiful song talking about God's love.
Listen to it!

"Because of Your Love"

There was a chasm
There was a mountain
Even when my lost heart
Was unlovable
You spread Your arms out
You laid Your life down for me
Now I'm set free
Now my heart sings

Because of Your love
Hallelujah, I'm forgiven
The shadow has been lifted
You rescued me
Because of Your love
I can stand with You forever
In the presence of my Saviour
Alive and free

Because of Your love
Because of Your love

Where there were years of drought
Now overflow
Where there was guilt and shame
Now joys untold
When my heart was prodigal
And the lies were deafening
Your love was a whisper
Your love kept whispering to me
That I am Yours
And You are mine

Because of Your love
Hallelujah, I'm forgiven
The shadow has been lifted
You rescued me
Because of Your love
I can stand with You forever
In the presence of my Saviour
Alive and free

Because of Your love
Because of Your love

There is, no greater love
There is, no higher love than this
Your great love
There is, no sweeter name
Nothing, can separate us from
Your great love
There is, no greater love
There is, no higher love than this
Your great love

Because of Your love
Hallelujah, I'm forgiven
The shadow has been lifted
You rescued me
Because of Your love
I can stand with You forever
In the presence of my Saviour
Alive and free

Because of Your love
No greater love than this
Your great love
Because of Your love
No higher love than this
Your great love

There is, no sweeter name
Nothing, can separate us from
Your great love

-Chris Quilala
Split the Sky 

Remember God’s Promises

posted on , by Harriet

"When you go through difficult times, the natural response is to throw everything up in the air and let all your plans go down the toilet. But that’s the last thing you should do." -Rick Warren Don't focus on your problems...but remember God's promises for your life! God has promised you to give you rest! Proclaim God's promises over your life! When you go through difficult ...


Be content!

posted on , by Harriet

I am not saying this because I am in need,  for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. -Philippians 4:11  The Bible teaches us to be content! But how to do that? Be thankful! Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends ...


Every day has potential!

posted on , by Harriet

CHOOSE LIFE! So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention ...


What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship

posted on , by Harriet

Few days ago Youtube suggested me to listen to a song called "What a beautiful name" and I'm glad I did listen to it, because since then these days I have been listening to it so many times. What a beautiful song! It is written by lovely Brooke Ligertwood and Ben Fielding. I love this song...it is just perfect to enter to His presence... What a beautiful name it is.... What a wonderful ...


Begin each day with a grateful ♥

posted on , by Harriet

A new day... what a gift! Yet it’s easy to take this wonderful blessings for granted. But what about to start the day with an attitude of gratitude... Even before getting out of the bed say simply THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS NEW DAY! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,  for his steadfast love endures forever. -Psalm 107:1 Have a great day! ♥ ...