For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior.He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. -Zephaniah 3:17 ...
Help From Heaven
"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us.'" -Matthew 1:23 Let's remember the Christmas message-not only this Christmas season but everyday: WE ARE NEVER ALONE;GOD IS WITH US! IMMANUEL! Be blessed! ♥ ...
...such a beautiful Christmas song...because yes Christmas is the story of amazing love!
(feat. Lauren Daigle)
Star and angels gave the sign
Bow to babe on bended knee
The Savior of humanity
Unto us a Child is born
He shall reign forevermore
Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love!
The light of the world, given for us
Son of God and Son of man
There before the world began
Born to suffer, born to save
Born to raise us from the grave
Christ the everlasting Lord
He shall reign forevermore
Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love!
The light of the world, given for us
Don't believe the lies of the enemy and the echoes of my past or what other people are saying about you. Instead believe what God says about you! I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. -Psalm 139:14 SO LET'S CONFESS: "I am not who people say I am. I am not who circumstances say ...
The heart longs for a little bit of hope
Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel
The child prays for peace on earth
And she's calling out from a sea of hurt
Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel
And can you hear
The angels singing
Glory to the light of the world
Glory the light of the world is here
The drought breaks
With the tears of a mother
A babies cry is the sound
Of love come down
Come down, Emmanuel
He is the song for the suffering
He is messiah
The Prince of Peace has come
He has come, Emmanuel
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
For all who wait
For all who hunger
For all who've prayed
For all who wander
Behold your King
Behold Messiah
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Behold your King
Behold Messiah
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
The world waits for a miracle
The heart longs for a little bit of hope
O come, O come Emmanuel
Amy Grant, one of the most iconic and beloved songwriters in Christian music, has released a new Christmas album: Tennessee Christmas. "This brand new album showcases Amy's classic vocal with intimate and mellow arrangements, interspersed with personal stories and holiday memories." Here is one of the songs from the album: "To be together" It's chaos in the car seats Heading ...
This is such a good reminder...when it feels that we can't let just put everything on God's hands and watch Him to take our can't and turn it into something He can. Yes because God can!!! God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply ... everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18 Take a moment and just thank God for what He has done in your life! And Praise Him for the work He is continuing in your life! Be blessed! ♥ ...
DARE TO DREAM! "Don’t let anything hold you back. Don’t let anyone keep you from dreaming. The dreams God has given you are treasures worth living for." -Joel Osteen ♥ ...
Sometimes we are slow in believing God’s love for us when we are going through difficult times. But in the midst of the pain, He wants you to know and believe that He is wholly on your side defending and taking care of you. You are loved! ♥ ...
I love to listen to and sing Christmas songs! It's always great to hear the old, classic Christmas carols, but this Christmas season I want to hear new ones and I want to start with Matt Redman's new Christmas album These Christmas Lights and actually the song has the same title. So beautiful worship song and I really like this as a prayer that truly around all the Christmas hassle ...
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. -Matthew 6:33 It is your Father’s pleasure to meet all your needs- but He wants you to seek first His kingdom. And when you do that, all the things that you need will be added to you! Be blessed! ♥ ...
God's word is food for our souls! Memorize it. Confess it. Let the words of the Bible enter into your mind and descend into your heart... And let God's word transform your whole being! Have ...
"Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation.” -Matthew 12:37 MSG Every time you say a word you are speaking death or life over your circumstances and life as it says in Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Every word you speak has power — to build or destroy hopes and dreams, to ...
What Is Faith? Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. -Hebrews 11:1 "God doesn't ask you to figure it all out, He only asks you to believe." -Joel Osteen It's not always easy but today decide to have faith and believe that God has all things figured out even if you don't see ...
Time spent with God is never wasted time! ...
Have a blessed December! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13 ♥ ...