31 days to encourage yourself - Day 14

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Everyday we need to make many decisions.Some may be simple while others can be
difficult and life altering.Anyways sometimes it's difficult to decide even
simple things and that's why we need always wisdom to do the right decisions.
 God tells us to seek for wisdom!And as we ask for wisdom, He will give it to us!

If you do not have wisdom, ask God for it. 
He is always ready to give it to you and will never say you are wrong for asking.  
-James 1:5 NLV

"Knowledge can be found in books or in school.
WISDOM, on the other hand,starts with God...
and ends there."
 -Marie T.Freeman

So ask God for wisdom and believe that you will have today all the wisdom you need!

31 days to encourage yourself!Take daily 1 encouragement pill!


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