Oh wow this it the final day of my project of writing 31 days about change! :) This has been a good month for myself as I have been studying about the subject and I hope my posts have been encouraging you too. And we haven't been focusing only on change, but change that lasts... The change that can happen with God's help. Believe that the change is possible! As a last ...
Maybe you know very well what God promises, but you don't experience His promises in your life. And that's why you might have difficulties to change... But all that you are missing is Faith. "Faith is the switch that turns on the power of the Holy Spirit." -James MacDonald EVERY STEP WITH GOD IS A STEP OF FAITH! If you don't exercise your faith and believe in God's promises ...
In our process of change it's good to realize that everyone has hurts from the past or we might have some sort of emotional emptiness that we try to fill with wrong kind of things and that's why we have difficulties to change. But for real power to change, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And God longs to fill us with His Spirit on a continual basis. "be filled with the ...
Behind God's power there is THE LOVE. Yesterday we talked that we need God's power to help us change, but to really understand God's power we have to believe in God's love for us. It is God's love that compels us to live a new way and change! God loves you so much that He freely gives His power to work in your life. "God loves us with His everlasting love and His love is a ...
We cannot change ourselves and the reason why we fail while we try to change is because we don't depend on God. "THE ONLY POWER FOR LASTING CHANGE IS CHRIST IN ME." -James MacDonald And what it is exactly Christ in me? It is the Holy Spirit. "Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives" God says to us: I am the Lord ...
As God's sons and daughters we are victors. So victory over a change is possible- but it's also a choice. And CHANGE IS A PROCESS that requires thousands upon thousands of little decisions we make every day. We can choose to do differently than we are used to do. CHANGE IS A MOMENT BY MOMENT BY MOMENT BY MOMENT.... So real transformation is about the process. We ...
In Christ the power of sin is broken and we can choose to build our life in this truth no matter how we feel. Anyways there will be times that we are tempted. "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." -Matthew 26:41 If you think you are strong, you should be careful not to fall. ...