31 days of change: Day 23: Encourage yourself!

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Yesterday I posted about words...
how they are powerful and how small changes in your words,
 will make actually a big difference in your life!
Well it's also important how we talk to ourselves...you know the way how you speak to yourself in your mind. You could ask yourself are you speaking more life giving or life taking words to yourself... And sometimes we can notice that unfortunately we don't say kind thing to ourselves.
Actually Dr Lance Wallnau sighted a study completed by a large university that revealed that the average person hears twelve hundred words a minute of self-talk. The study found that eleven hundred of these words are negative in most people!

But the words that we say to ourselves have to be life giving if we want to success in our change! We have to encourage ourselves!
One of the most powerful factors in personal transformation is SELF TALK!  

I think the positive self talk is quite fashionable these days;you can find many self-help books where you can find a chapter on speaking kindly to yourself.
But it's not really about "I can do it" talk...but it's about speaking the words of life and speaking what  God thinks about us and speaking about His truths. 

but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
-1 Samuel 30:6 

"When we take the Word and the thoughts of God and begin to speak them into our new man, we start to experience the fruit of the Spirit in the depths of our very beings. Peace starts saturating our minds, joy infiltrates our souls and the life of God is released into our mortal bodies. "
-Kris Vallotton 

So do as David did:encourage yourself in the Lord!
It will surely helps us in our process of change when we repeat what God is saying about us!
So look up from the Bible God's truths and speak them aloud to yourself. 

 I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength.
-Philippians 4:1

Day 2: Choose to change  
Day 11: Trust God;He will help you to change   
Day 17: Change requires new way of thinking 
Day 18: A different way to think
Day 19:Think like Jesus 
Day 20: Renewing your mind  
Day 21:When you change your thinking, you change your beliefs  


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