One thousand gifts:3 things for which I am thankful this week

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Lately I have been thinking about a family,about my family...
And I can say that I'm just so thankful for my husband...for having him in my life and
building a family together with him...  

And...last week was such a special time for me and my husband:
we were on vacation for a week just the 2 of us!And why it's so special?Because the last time
we were on vacation just the 2 of us was 10 years ago before having our first son!
At first it felt so strange to be without kids but we had great time with my husband...

We cycled a lot of, visited new places,enjoyed the beach and the sea and just relaxed...
And we had so many wonderful lunches and dinners in great restaurants-
just the 2 of us! 

Someone said:

 So true, but I definitely add to this list God! :)

Anyways... I thank God for this wonderful vacation and time spent together with my husband!

While we were on vacation our  children attended a Christian summer camp for the
first time in their life...So it was a special time for them as well.And also for me...this was the 
second time in 10 years I stayed without them!So it was good and relaxing to stay without them
but I have to say that I'm so thankful to have 2 wonderful boys!

Familys give us many things-love and meaning, purpose and
an opportunity to give...

So thank you God for my family;continue to bless us!

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