Be all that God wants you to be!

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This morning I was reading from 1 Samuel 16:18 the description about David:

A beautiful list;don't you think?
David was tender and he had the sensitivity of an artist.Yet he was also 
a strong,brave and fine-looking man.
David was a complex man.
What about you?So many times there are three of you...
There is the way how you see yourself...
and the way the others see you.
Yet the way God sees you is the most important and the best thing is that 
you can be all that God created you to be through Christ.

In the Bible you can find a beautiful list of your characters!
For example God tells you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

To know more about who you are in Christ read my earlier post here.

 Dear Father help me to know myself as you do
and be everything you want me to be!

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