Do not be anxious! part 2

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 Anxiety and its cousins fear and worry- is complex and unique.
 But we all have the same hope today-
God has promised to walk with us through the valley!
God understands that we get stressed in life.
There are many places in the Bible that speaks actually to anxiety,
and hundreds more to fear and worry. Why?
Because people have always be anxious.
But God wants us to be free from the our anxieties!
Our hope is Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life!
And He is inviting you to allow Him to lead you through whatever you are facing in this world.
Call out to Jesus now! Pray and encourage yourself by the word of God!
Thank Him that He is with you and believe that He can lead you to the light again.

So leave your anxiety to God!
Jesus is for you! He loves you! And He wants to help you!
Trust Him! 

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