Living loved ♥ #uninvited

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Some time ago;actually before Christmas I red this beautiful book : Uninvited- Living Loved When You Feel Less than, Left Out and Lonely by Lysa TerKeurst.
The book talks about rejection; "the roots of rejection as well as rejection's ability to poison relationships from the inside out, including our relationship with God."

I really loved this book and I highly recommend it to you as well! 
So many great thoughts, but today I want to share with you just few...
Because we are all desperate for love...
yet it's crazy how easily we try to find it every where else and not 
in God's presence. 
But God has the every answer we need! So...
The only thing we have to do daily is to get to HIM!

So today let's remember that we just have to turn to Him! And be with Him! No matter what! Because in that way we remember how to live loved.

Live Loved. Because you are loved!

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