31 days of change: Day 16: The first step in all change is true repentance

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Repentance is the first step in all change.
We have to stop going on our own way and choose God's way.

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
-2 Peter 3:9

"Why did I do it again?" "Why don't I learn?" "Why am I like this?" "Why can't I change?"
This is regret...which won't produce anything.
Instead repentance focuses on what has to change and it's the beginning of all change.
Repentance is the first step in salvation, and it is the first step in transformation.

"What does it mean to repent? It means three things: First, you take responsibility for your sin. Second, you turn away from those things. And third, you turn toward God and his grace."
-Rick Warren
Repentance does not mean rationalizing your sin...or
 minimizing, excusing or blaming others for it. That is not true repentance.
Instead be honest. Admit your sin, confess it, and get it out of your life so that you can begin to change.

Dear heavenly Father, 
I come to you asking for forgiveness.
 I want to repent regarding the specific things You are asking me to change.
I pray in Jesus' name.


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