31 days of change: Day 9: I tried to change and failed

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Maybe you have been there like me...
You have decided to break some things you want to change; 
you have promised yourself not do something just to find out that you are doing it anyway.
Or may we manage to change for a while, but the we fall and then we are just doing the BACK-and FORTH STRUGGLE of trying to change.
And then at some point we have stopped trying to change because it's a lot less painful than trying and failing. 
And this it's actually the main reason why we don't change because in this trying to change and then failing we got deeply hurt so it's easier to not try anymore. 
But the truth is that we don't have to stay stuck in this back-and forth struggle.
There is a way out and it's possible to change.
We just need to change one main thing...

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